Diverse Learning Environments
HCCDC adheres to the NCDHHS Education Standards

Infant I:
Children 8 weeks-6 months
Infant II:
Children 6-12 months
Learning Objectives:
Outside Play
Encourage curiosity
Use of all muscles groups through exercise
Development of motor skills through taste, touch, hearing, smell, and sight
Toddler I:
Children 12 -15 months​
Toddler II:
Children 15- 20 months
Toddler III:
Children 20-24 months
Learning Objectives:
Develop Emotionally (confidence, empathy, likes/dislikes, etc.)
Develop Socially (Language, explore with others, assists others, Follows directions, etc)
Develop Physically (Sits in a chair, explores interests through creativity with arts, music, science, movement, and outside play)

2 & 3 Year Olds
2-3 year olds
Learning Objectives:
Develop Emotionally (confidence, empathy, likes/dislikes, etc.)
Develop Socially (Language, explore with others, assists others, Follows directions, etc)
Develop Physically (Sits in a chair, explores interests through creativity with arts, music, science, movement, and outside play)
Preschool I:
3-4 year olds
Preschool II:
4-5 year olds

Learning Objectives:
Emotional Goals (Confidence, Positive Attitude, Willingness/Desire to learn)
Behavioral Goals (Displays self control, Listens and Follows directions, Non-Disruptive)
Self-Help (Toileting needs by ones self, solves problems on own, cleans up without much direction, etc.)
Social Goals (Play well with others, interacts with peers and adults well, courteous, etc.)
Language Goals (speak clearly, uses pronouns correctly, express needs and ideas verbally, etc.)
Physical Goals (Uses Large and Small Muscle groups well , effectively, and appropriately)
Cognitive Goals (Recognize colors, shapes, numbers, letters)
Personal Information Goals (Knowledge of Full Name, Age, Birthday, Telephone Number, Street Address, etc)