Fun & Creativity
All children 12 months and up are offered Art activities daily. The art area is a studio for children's development and learning
In addition to daily music activities in the classroom, Ms. Angie visits the center 3 days a week to teach music. She also arranges special musicians to come in to introduce instruments to our children.
Daily lesson plans include fine and gross motor activities for children of all ages.
Children are taught early literacy skills as they grow and develop. Daily lesson plans include language development activities for all ages. Ms. Collins from the Hudson Library comes to read to the children weekly.
Social and Emotional
Social and emotional readiness can be taught and nurtured most effectively when children are young. Because preschool is a prime setting for gaining social and emotional competence, social/emotional development is an important focus for teachers.
Outside Play
Outdoor play is essential for children's health and wellbeing. We take children outdoors every day so they can run, jump, climb and use all of their large muscles. We have 2 playgrounds, one of which is covered.
Science Education is incorporated into daily
lessons to encourage positive relationships with the environment. Education Specialists from the Highlands Biological Station come to the preschool classrooms 2 times a month.